Book reviews:
“This is well worth the read. There is such depth and insight that you usually don’t get at church. My Journey Through the Cross helps your spiritual growth and draws you closer to the Lord.”
–Amazon review by Anna O. Land
“Wow! This is an incredible book! Still feel like something is missing in your Christian walk? Then this book is for you. Written with an amazing amount of insight and wisdom, it carries you to the throne of God’s grace where spiritual healing and lasting peace are found. An absolute must read for anyone wanting an intimate relation with Christ.”
–Amazon review by Donna Strand
Full Book synopsis/summary:
Ashley shares her insights and inner struggles in heartfelt snapshots of her life. Through her profound experiences, she shows how she could break through false layers of thinking and move into a deeper relationship with God.
Her insightful autobiography is for those who are facing difficult circumstances, who want insight into relationships, who want to overcome challenges, who long for a higher purpose in life, who want a meaningful relationship with God, who want to grow spiritually, who want to see beyond the superficialities of life, who want to find deep peace and satisfaction in life.
- Yet true and lasting satisfaction always proved just out of reach. Now, in midlife, I have come to find my soul satiated in God. Through sweet surprises, difficult climbs and excruciating valleys, the Master’s hand has shaped me. Along the way, God has taught me many things. What He taught me the most is that many of my beliefs about Him were wrong. p.ix
- I was always aware of an amorphous cavern lurking in my soul, one with a voracious appetite. p.11
- I fought fear in growing closer to Him [God] because I had subconsciously superimposed my childhood memories of my dad onto the Heavenly Father. p.7